Emergency Response & Resources

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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Stay at Home order (Executive Order 55)

(Information added: March 30, 2020)

Governor Ralph Northam issued a statewide Stay at Home order (Executive Order 55) to protect the health and safety of Virginians and mitigate the spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19. The executive order takes effect immediately (Monday, March 30, 2020) and will remain in place until June 10, 2020, unless amended or rescinded by a further executive order.

The order directs all Virginians to stay home except in extremely limited circumstances. Individuals may leave their residence for allowable travel, including: to seek medical attention, assistance from law enforcement, or emergency services; travel to and from work; to care for other individuals, pets or visiting the home of a family member; obtain goods and services like groceries, prescriptions, and others as outlined in Executive Order 53; and to engage in outdoor activity, including exercise, while observing strict social distancing requirements.

Family, friends, and community members, this virus is spreading rapidly. We ask that everyone act responsibly, and follow guidance as outline by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Virginia Department of Health (VDH), and local governments.